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Reality Shows – Reality & Show!
September 25, 2023

Reality Shows – Reality & Show!

  In an era dominated by an ever-evolving entertainment panorama, reality shows fascinate audiences worldwide. These unscripted streams have become a cultural phenomenon, presenting viewers with a unique blend of drama, entertainment, and real-life experiences and the chance to escape from their own daily lives for some time.  Reality shows...

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September 7, 2023


Constrained Municipal Services and Citizen Satisfaction Amidst Rapid Urbanization City Municipal corporations are responsible for the Planning, implementation, and maintenance of the essential civic services. These services include sanitation, maintenance of public facilities, solid waste management, and optionally utilities as water supply for the city’s residents. Depending on the size...

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Uncovering Market Opportunities: The Role of Research
August 10, 2023

Uncovering Market Opportunities: The Role of Research

For sustained success in today’s highly competitive business landscape, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. Market research is one of the key strategies that are used by companies to gain a competitive advantage in the industry. Through this blog, we will get an insight into the significance of market...

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A look into the cultural prism that is Odisha
May 24, 2023

A look into the cultural prism that is Odisha

India – the land of the many and the varied – has always had the world enthralled with its charm. It does no less for us who are part of it, as we discover something novel every time we look at cultures beyond our own. We at Median Research and...

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How Market Research can help shape Your Innovation
April 17, 2023

How Market Research can help shape Your Innovation

Concept testing is a term that lies at the cornerstone of every business endeavour and its plan of progress. While a layman might assume that companies launch new products every now and then as and when they come up with innovative ideas of improvements on existing products, this is far...

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Health Awareness in Indian Youth
April 11, 2023

Health Awareness in Indian Youth

Health has been a point of concern for people ever since the Covid pandemic made us realise how fragile it could be, if not maintained well. The pandemic has tested well all aspects of life that we had taken for granted and placed us squarely with the question, are we...

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Consumer Segmentation: Why Psychographic Segmentation
December 18, 2022

Consumer Segmentation: Why Psychographic Segmentation

What is consumer segmentation? Consumer segmentation is a decision-making tool for the marketing manager in the crucial task of selecting the target consumer for a given product and designing an appropriate marketing mix. It is one of the key building blocks of strategic marketing since it is essential for marketing success. The...

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Artificial Intelligence: Revolutionizing the Retail Sector by Redefining Customer Experience
December 6, 2022

Artificial Intelligence: Revolutionizing the Retail Sector by Redefining Customer Experience

The sales of goods and services from street vendors through mom & pop stores to large retail chains have undergone a profound evolution during the past few years. Further, with the emergence of Covid 19, the process of purchasing has experienced a paradigmatic shift and has been catapulted to new...

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Be In Love With You – Take A Look Into Our Skin Care Survey
November 10, 2022

Be In Love With You – Take A Look Into Our Skin Care Survey

Skincare has always enjoyed mixed popularity among women. While most women realise the importance of keeping one’s skin nourished, lifestyle habits often make it challenging to adopt the discipline required to maintain a regular skincare routine. However, a healthy glowing skin is not only about gorgeous outward looks but also...

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Tiffin Choices – Moms Vs Kids
September 22, 2022

Tiffin Choices – Moms Vs Kids

When it comes providing tiffin to kids at school, we clearly have two parties in the picture – the parents and the kids – with the first party continually trying to please the second and the second party setting the bar a little higher each time. With moms and children...

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The Indian Women’s Journey Through The Pandemic
September 9, 2022

The Indian Women’s Journey Through The Pandemic

In trying to map the changes that were brought about by the pandemic in the last two years in the minds and lives of the common people, we have conducted a series of surveys bringing out the difference in terms of perspective and lifestyle. For this research, we have particularly...

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How Small and Medium Businesses in India Are Faring Post Pandemic
August 22, 2022

How Small and Medium Businesses in India Are Faring Post Pandemic

Small businesses (having employee size of 1 to 99) and medium businesses (having employees between 100 and 999) have faced critical barriers in the past two years in terms of growth because of the pandemic, with significant numbers of businesses facing severe roadblocks or having to shut down, succumbing to...

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Why Panel Based Research
July 25, 2022

Why Panel Based Research

Research panel – a term that has become increasingly common in the context of research companies, especially the ones that deal in market research. A short discussion on the why-s and how-s of the concept of panel research would help us understand its potential in the field of garnering consumer...

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Café – what consumers are looking for?
June 1, 2022

Café – what consumers are looking for?

Looking for a munch break or a head-calmer window in between hectic office hours or some cool evening gupshup with the partner – the city folk has a common destination at all hours and for all needs of quick refreshment – the cafeteria. A sip and a bite and some...

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Serial Viewership
April 12, 2022

Serial Viewership

Daily soaps – or serials, in popular terminology – are a major market-holder of the television entertainment industry. Nothing provides a more constant and sustainable source of entertainment as daily shows to viewers whose primary source of relaxation television-watching. Homemakers and retired elderly people are the primary stakeholders of daily...

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