Mystery shopping is an intriguing approach of assessing customer experience in which people are recruited to behave as real consumers in a store. The organisation then analyses the feedback from these “mystery shoppers” to determine how close the actual customer experience is to the ideal one.
You can monitor the performance of website and app content including blog articles, pop-ups, banners, and other page components with content tracking. You can keep track of them, as well as the number of impressions and clicks, as well as the click-through rates (CTR) of certain things.
Ethnographic marketing research is a method of learning about what people buy, how they buy it, and why they buy it, as well as the sociality of consumer behaviour. It allows marketers to witness customers demonstrating a bond with a brand in a cultural setting.
Whether you are just starting to examine new product ideas or are well into the development process, testing your concept is a good idea. With concept testing, you can put your ideas to the test with different client segments and learn whether your product idea is a winner or a flop. A concept test survey gathers feedback from client segments that make up the target market to help teams evaluate product development, an ad campaign, or even a message or claim.